Thursday, January 28, 2016



A volcano is vent or chimney which transfers molten rock known as magma from depth to the Earth's surface. Magma erupting from a volcano is called lava and is the material which builds up the cone surrounding the vent.

So here are the links about my personal readings about Volcanoes. Enjoy Reading!

Let us learn more about volcanoes through this video.

Try playing this game. Help Rocky practice erupting and play more games about volcanoes.

To test your knowledge about Volcanoes try answering this quiz. 

a. Which concept on the topic did you find easy to understand? What made them interesting?
b. What were your personal discoveries or learnings while studying the topic?
c. Which area or concept would you like to expound more?
a. Everything is easy to understand especially in describing the volcanoes and the ejected materials of the volcano. The topic itself is very interesting. Volcanoes are very interesting.
b. I have a lot of discoveries and learnings while studying the topic. First, volcanoes are very important because they are the ones who releases the excess heat underneath. Second, there are three main kinds of volcanoes.
c. I would like to expound my blog about volcanoes if I learn more about volcanoes in the near future.